Troy Maka
TroyMaka is a standout young athlete specializing in discus and shot put,representing Western Elite Throws Academy and coached by John Maka. Currentlyranked 1st in New Zealand for Shot Put and 2nd for Discus in the U18 Men'scategory, Troy has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the athleticscommunity.
Troy'sremarkable achievements in the past few years include securing multiplenational titles, including the New Zealand U18 Men's Discus and Shot PutChampion titles in 2024. He also won the NZ U16 Men's Discus Championship in2023 and the NZ Junior Men's Discus and Shot Put Secondary School Championshipin 2023. Additionally, Troy was crowned the Athletics Auckland U18 Men's DiscusChampion in 2024 and the U16 Men's Discus Champion in 2023.
Hisconsistent performance at the regional level is also notable, with multiplevictories in Auckland Secondary Schools competitions, including winning theIntermediate Boys Discus and Shot Put Championship in 2024 and the JuniorDiscus and Shot Put Championship in 2022. Troy's impressive track record earnedhim recognition as the Supreme Award Winner at the Western Elite Throws AcademyAthletics Club prize-giving in 2021.
Troyhas represented New Zealand and Auckland on several occasions, includingcompeting for the Athletics Auckland Team in 2023-2024, the Niue Athletics Teamin 2023, and the Auckland Secondary School Team at the North IslandChampionships in 2021.
TroyMaka is undoubtedly one of New Zealand’s most promising young athletes, with abright future ahead of him in both domestic and international competitions. Hisgoal of continuing to break records and dominate in discus and shot putshowcases his drive and determination to succeed at the highest levels.

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